Okay, maybe this is just the way I was brought up. Maybe I'm weird. Truthfully, either one is completely plausible. But, people who disregard common courtesy "rules" drive me up the wall. If I am walking behind you as you enter a building, hold the damn door. How hard is that? I mean, you don't have to stand outside the door and hold it for me like I'm something special but, you could just keep pushing the door as you walk through it. I promise more people appreciate it than those who don't. However, on that note, if someone holds the door for you, say "thank you", or even a mere "thanks", or give a head nod. Do something.
Next, do NOT cut in line. Is this not a lesson taught in kindergarten? Trust me, I hate waiting too. It's annoying. it sucks. And the longer it takes the more it sucks. I know. Get over it! the more people that cut in line the longer it takes for the line to shrink. Just wait your turn. And if you do cut in line and someone calls you out for it, own up to it. People who have been staring at the same backs for an hour know what the backs they have been staring at look like. They'll notice. Don't try to say you were there the whole time. Cutting in line makes you look childish. Cutting in line and then denying it makes you look like a jerk.
And finally (for tonight anyway), if walking with a group of friends down a sidewalk and you see someone walking the opposite direction, please make a path for them. Actually, this applies anywhere, not just sidewalks but the mall or anywhere with limited space to walk. If your group if taking up the entire space make room for people to get through when they need to. I understand the inclination to want to stay with your friends to continue conversation, I do. It's rude though to both those coming the opposite direction as well as people behind you who would like to walk faster than your group is moving. You can still have a conversation while walking in a line. Or walk in your group but make an effort to be polite to those around you. People who don't have created people like me who refuse to walk on the grass. If you're in a group walking towards me and you don't move, we get to do the awkward "which way are you going?" dance. I won't move.
Note: I hope no one is offended by my use of the word "you". I'm not saying I'm not guilty of some of the things I post about. We all have days where our main focus isn't being polite or a courteous driver. I know. And this "you" is no directed at anyone specifically, except maybe the people I have encountered throughout the day who have made me want to post about these things. Anyway, thanks for reading!
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