Sunday, November 13, 2011

Tips for boyfriends

Okay guys, listen up! We women can only tolerate so much of your crap. I mean after all we are "the weaker sex". Kidding of course. But seriously, if you are in a relationship and you want to stay that way, listen to the following "Dos and Don't"s. And single fellas, keep these in mind for future reference. And there's definitely more than these; these are just the ones my boyfriend's guilty of at the moment.

1) If your girl says she needs to talk, she probably needs to talk. Blowing her off would probably not be in your best interest. If she's asking to talk there is probably something going on and she needs your help. Acting like there is anything in the world more important than what she has to say is probably also NOT in your best interest. I don't care if she needs to talk about finding the right shade of pink nail polish for her miniature poodle or if she's just having a terrible day and needs to talk. You do not act like you have better things to do.

2) Learn the true definition of the word "Soon" before ever sending you girlfriend a "I'll be there soon" text. Guaranteed her definition and yours are completely different. For her soon basically means you have to tie your shoes, grab your jacket and you're out the door on your way to her house. Apparently for most guys it means you still need to shower, check your email, play some Call of Duty, make dinner and shop for your entire family for Christmas before they're ready to head over. Girls will get irritated when they have to wait on you for extended amounts of time.

3) Finally, I do not care if she is being the biggest B*tch you've ever come into contact with, you do not tell her that she is being one. Not ever. I can guarantee you've been a jerk to her countless times when she has just shrugged it off as "Oh, he's probably just having a bad day. Maybe he'll tell me what's going on later". Guess what? We have our own bad days and just like you, we take them out on the people we're closest to because they have to love us anyway. So if she's being a bit snippy, ask her what's wrong. and when she decides to tell you: refer to number 1.

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