Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Words that irritate me

Okay, this definitely isn't something I expect everyone to agree on. Except for maybe the word "moist" everyone has their own words that drive them insane. These are mine:

Moist: Yeah, like everyone else, I HATE this word. I don't know if it's the "oy" sound or what but I will avoid saying this at all costs. Brownies which would normally be referred to as "moist", are in my mind doughy. Moist does not exist unless I cannot possibly think of another word. I hate it that much. And anyone who knows me uses this against me. When I'm already annoyed my friends will just sit there and say "moist" until I lose my mind completely.

Irk: The word irk irks me. I hate it. It shouldn't even be a word. We have anger and infuriate why do we need irk? And I think more than the way the word sounds, I hate the irony of the fact that this word irritates me. It's definition is to irritate and that's exactly what it does to me.

Urge: It must be that "ur" sound. I mean: irk and urge. It has to be the sound of the word. It also seems like an "urge" arises for anything good. But, maybe that's just me.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Things that irritate my best friend

I actually had a relatively non-annoying day so, I have nothing to write about. I decided I'd ask my roommate what pisses her off. Her biggest pet peeves are as follows:

Smacking your lips when you're eating. This apparently, drives her insane. She says "You might as well go outside and eat like a cow if you are going to chew like one." She hates the sound. She hates when people chew with their mouths open. These I don't understand. But, hey, I'm sure others can relate, right?

When people drag their feet while they walk. Okay this one I can kind of relate. Mainly because I'm pretty sure I do this and I don't know how to stop. But I know how annoying the sound of shuffling feet is. Just pick up your feet when you walk. I'm sure it's not that hard.

Laughing at texts from other people when you're hanging out with someone and then not explaining what's so funny. This one I can completely relate to. If you are hanging out with someone and you get a funny text message from someone, and it's just soooo hilarious, you had better explain to you friend why it's so funny. It makes the friend you're hanging out with feel completely left out. You look like a jerk. So, just explain yourself. If it's personal then keep your mouth shut.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

How about we don't do that?

So, it's not like I'm not used to these kinds of things. But it's started to frustrate me more and more as I get older.
First of all, I'm 21. I'm not a child. I don't act like one. Unless, you treat me like one.Then you will see what a good impersonation of a psycho 13 year old I can do. It's actually pretty amazing if I do say so myself. I can whine and throw a huge tantrum. I can give more attitude than any 13 year old could ever hope to have. But, I generally don't act that way. I've been told since I was little that I'm mature for my age. So don't talk to me like I know nothing about the world. Don't pat me on the head. Don't assume you can be condescending just because I'm younger than you. It won't fly with me. I'm nice. Most of the time. But, give me a reason not to be and I don't care who you are the switch will be flipped and you won't like me anymore.
Secondly, and this goes with the above rant, just because you are old does not mean I have to respect you. If you don't respect me, I can guarantee I won't respect you. Your age doesn't make you a better person. And our generation has been taught not to stand for any disrespect, no matter who it's from. So, if you cut me in line at a store, I'll say something. If you can't drive your car, I'll tell you to get off the road. I know you look at us young people and think we're all the same, we're not. You can't judge us all and expect us to just accept it and treat you like you're something special.
And finally, another respect thing, I am quiet and I am a woman. Neither of these things mean that I am less of a person than anyone else. I don't speak up very often. I probably should. But, when i do say something you should probably listen. If I'm talking it means it's something that is important to me. And I don't care who you are, if you are a male you don't get to treat me like dirt. Sorry, but you don't. Actually, you're supposed to treat women with more respect. I know chivalry is dead all but c'mon. It's not like I'm asking you to throw your jacket over a puddle for me. I'm fully capable of walking around the puddle. I'm fully capable of opening my own car door. All I'm asking is that if I politely say "excuse me", move out of the way. I'll only say it once before I push you out of the way. Again, you're not better than me just because of your gender.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

And again with the bad drivers...

I always have so much more to add to this list of stupid driving mistakes when I come home from school or return to school. It's strange how the longer I'm on the road, the more of these instances that pop up. Hmmm. Drivers on I-70 both East and West tend to lose control of their brains for the time they are on this particular stretch of highway. I wonder if there are some toxic fumes emanating from the pavement. Someone should study this.
Anyway, I suppose I'll get to the point. Maybe it's just because I know the road so well, or maybe it's because I actually read the signs as I pass them. Regardless, it is quite clear that others do not. If the giant yellow sign says, "Left lane ends 1 Mile". Guess what? The lane ENDS in a mile. Trying to pass every single car you possibly can in the next mile is probably the stupidest thing you can do. Why? Because what tends to happen here is people drive all the way to the point where there's arrows painted on the pavement with the word MERGE painted in front of them (ignoring all 6 previous signs, mind you) and then there's 15 cars jam packed in that area with no room to let the poor little merger over. What do these poor little illiterate mergers do? Flip on a turn signal (occasionally) and swerve there car over the very second they have the slightest bit of space to do so. Why is this bad you ask? (Hopefully, you're not actually asking that.) Because, you see, the drivers in that lane that the mergers so desperately want in can't read the mergers' minds. No matter how helpful that would be. And vice-versa. The mergers don't know what the cars in that lane are planning to do. What if they've decided to speed up? The merger gets rear-ended, completely deservedly, and the traffic is backed up for miles because of one idiot. Please, don't be that idiot.
And then, also avoid being the idiot who drives 35 on the entrance ramp. You're going to kill someone. People on the highway, 90 percent of them anyway, drive 65mph or over. So, doing half of that, you're going to get yourself killed. And for the love of anything and everything, do NOT stop a the end of an entrance ramp. You will never get out. and neither will anyone behind you. And they will be cussing and honking and throwing their arms around in their vehicles. This is not how you merge onto the highway. I know it's scary but if you're too afraid to drive then DON'T.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Immaturity won't get you anywhere with me

I understand the notion to throw a mini fit like a thirteen-year-old with an attitude, whose mommy just told them they can't go to the Valentine's Day Dance when things aren't going your way. Everybody grows up that way. It's like a first instinct. Here's the deal: If you're over 16, out grow it. It's not cute. Especially not once you've hit adulthood. Let it go.
Don't pout when things don't go like you want them to. And don't whine about it.  It makes people lose respect for you. Life's not fair. It's never been fair and it probably never will be. You will always have to do things you don't want to do. You will always have to deal with people not doing what they're supposed to and then you'll have to pick up the slack. It sucks but, that's life.
Acting like a teenager will only make me scoff at you and walk away. I'm sorry you don't want to wash the dishes AGAIN but, had you not said you refuse to them because it's ALWAYS you, maybe I would have done them. Not now. Here's a quick fix for this: say something along the lines of "Hey, I feel like I've been doing the dishes a lot. Would you mind doing them tonight?" Guarantee you will get a better response this way. At least you're addressing me like I'm a human being.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Tips for boyfriends

Okay guys, listen up! We women can only tolerate so much of your crap. I mean after all we are "the weaker sex". Kidding of course. But seriously, if you are in a relationship and you want to stay that way, listen to the following "Dos and Don't"s. And single fellas, keep these in mind for future reference. And there's definitely more than these; these are just the ones my boyfriend's guilty of at the moment.

1) If your girl says she needs to talk, she probably needs to talk. Blowing her off would probably not be in your best interest. If she's asking to talk there is probably something going on and she needs your help. Acting like there is anything in the world more important than what she has to say is probably also NOT in your best interest. I don't care if she needs to talk about finding the right shade of pink nail polish for her miniature poodle or if she's just having a terrible day and needs to talk. You do not act like you have better things to do.

2) Learn the true definition of the word "Soon" before ever sending you girlfriend a "I'll be there soon" text. Guaranteed her definition and yours are completely different. For her soon basically means you have to tie your shoes, grab your jacket and you're out the door on your way to her house. Apparently for most guys it means you still need to shower, check your email, play some Call of Duty, make dinner and shop for your entire family for Christmas before they're ready to head over. Girls will get irritated when they have to wait on you for extended amounts of time.

3) Finally, I do not care if she is being the biggest B*tch you've ever come into contact with, you do not tell her that she is being one. Not ever. I can guarantee you've been a jerk to her countless times when she has just shrugged it off as "Oh, he's probably just having a bad day. Maybe he'll tell me what's going on later". Guess what? We have our own bad days and just like you, we take them out on the people we're closest to because they have to love us anyway. So if she's being a bit snippy, ask her what's wrong. and when she decides to tell you: refer to number 1.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Things I'm also guilty of but are still annoying

I'm not innocent on all counts. I have a very low stupidity tolerance but I have a very high capacity for being stupid. So, just to prove I'm not completely ignorant of the things that I do that probably annoy the hell of other people I figured I'd write about a few of them.

I am a terrible tailgater. I get a little too impatient when i'm behind someone who wants to go slower than I want to go. I HATE when people do this to me. I sit there in my car and talk to the car that is up my bumper saying things like, "The closer you get the slower I go". So, I know it's annoying! And I apologize to those I've done this to. I'm working on breaking the habit.

I get snippy with people who don't deserve it. I know EVERYONE does this. There's not a person in the world who's never taken a bad day out on someone who had nothing to do with it. But, as someone who is constantly being the one who things are taken out on, I know how bad it is. It sucks to sit there and think, "okay? So what exactly did I do again?" But especially on early mornings, busy/ stressful days, or days when I haven't eaten I can get quite irritable and bite the head off of anyone who decides to speak to me.

And finally, I am sometimes a little too rude. Don't get me wrong, I am one of the most polite people you'd ever want to meet. Usually, I'm too nice for my own good. But, if I've dealt with too many rude people in a day, I tend to turn into one of them. For example, if I've spent a few hours at a concert getting pushed into complete strangers by people who weren't there early enough to get closer to the stage and then decide to push their way through the crowd, I will refuse to move out of their way until I hear and "Excuse me". And if my friend and I decide to move through the crowd, I will stop saying my own "excuse me"s. Why bother when no one else does? Same with the whole holding the door for people situation. If no one holds it for me all day long, I stop trying to hold it for other people. I know it's not the fault of the people I end up being rude to. It's just a little difficult to keep your manners about you sometimes,